Looks like we are heading into a season of lunches based on books. The Monster at the End of the Book is one of my childhood favorites, so I love that its one of Cora’s favorites too!

Cheese grover (dyed blue with natural colors) bricked in with almond butter and marmalade wall

The lunch is finished off by fruit walls and Cora’s special addition – a snow scene. Not sure how it fits but she insists it’s snowing at the end of the book. She picked out the cutters, went to town on a slice of cheese and then climbed up on a stool to place them in the lunchbox. With all that, I had to concede that yes indeed, it is snowing at the end of the book!

To make this lunch I used:

Decorative Bento Cutter Ham Cheese Cutter Set 18 Shapes

6 Responses to “Grover at the End of the Book Lunch”

  1. Kristie Says:

    What an awesome idea! I always loved this book – you made it so cute!

  2. Cristi Says:

    Absolute awesomeness! I loved that book as a kid too, and so do my kids!

    • llatorre Says:

      This one was so fun to do! I usually avoid the freehand shapes but felt I could get away with it since he’s mostly hidden!

  3. i love love love this!

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