Arrrr It’s A Pirate Bunny!

September 20, 2012

Yesterday was Talk Like A Pirate Day and I participated in a HUGE hope and giveaway (see below for details and to join in – it’s not too late!) Cora was not so thrilled to get a pirate lunch. But, being Ms Independent, today she woke up wanting a pirate lunch. A pirate bunny. I got so many great ideas from yesterday’s hop that I thought I would go ahead and honor her request. I managed to whip it out in less than half an hour!

Our pirate bunny is a Wowbutter and banana sandwich with cheese and fruit leather accents. He is protecting his treasure of carrot coins and pile of kiwi coins and raspberry gems (I couldn’t find my ring picks in time. I really wanted to make raspberry rings in the treasure pile. Bummer!). In the background are strawberry pirate ships setting sail on a sea of blueberries.

Avast, Thar Be Treasure!

To celebrate Talk Like A Pirate Day yesterday a bunch of my bento buddies and I are having a big blog hop and GIVEAWAY that is still open!

Every blog in the hop has a piece of the map to the bento booty treasure – a big giveaway! As you go through the hop, collect the pieces and put them in the right order to find out where to enter! You’ll probably need something to write with, because there are 39 blogs to visit, which means 39 pieces to collect! 37 of the pieces will spell the URL, and 2 bonus words will be your entries to win (yes you get 2 chances to win!). You can start with my post from yesterday, Avast Me Maties, This Pirate’s A Beauty!

To make this lunch I used:

Decorative Bento Cutter Ham Cheese Cutter Set 18 Shapes
Decorative Bento Cutter Ham Cheese Cutter Set 15 Facial Expression