Today is Ice Cream Sandwich Day, so how can I possibly resist making an ice cream shaped sandwich (or two)?

Ice cream sandwiches
Ice cream shaped almond butter and jelly sandwiches, decorated with fruit leather scoops.

Ice Cream Lunch
The lunch is finished with mini scoops of melon and a hard-boiled egg “ice cream’ alamoding a cake slice silicone cup filled with cheese stick pieces. Ya, it’s a bit of a reach, but I’m only half unpacked, so I decided to go with it!

To make this lunch I used:


3 Responses to “We All Scream for a Cute Lunch!”

  1. Valerie Says:


    Could you tell me where you got the silicone pie slice cup?

    Thanks a lot,

  2. Cristi Says:

    I love them! Don’t forget to link this post to the linky party too, so it shows up on mine 🙂

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