3 Little Pigs

January 30, 2012

Cream cheese and raspberry jam sandwich piggies with fruit leather detail in a bed of freeze dried strawberries, house of (carrot) sticks, Babybel cheese, pomegranite seeds, yogurt pretzels, raspberries

Unfortunately, Cora woke up on the independent side of the bed. By the time she finished making her ‘suggestions’ for her lunch, we ended up with the following:

But, at least I still have my entry for the bento blog contest. Yup, I’m entering my first contest! It is at Bento Blog Network with the theme ‘red’. So, go on over and check it out and please cast a vote for your favorite!

10 Responses to “3 Little Pigs”

  1. Koogle Says:

    The piggies are adorable! 🙂

  2. Amanda Says:

    I love the piggies! I have many days where I abandon the plan in the midst of making lunch to accomodate the “suggestions” 🙂

  3. Rina Says:

    Love all your bentos, super cute 🙂 Going to follow you from now!

  4. Kathleen Says:

    Those are the cutest piggies! I love it. Good luck in the contest. I also have a few bentos entered in the contest.

  5. Diana Says:

    This is SO adorable! I’ve never seen creamy piggy faces like that. Cute & yummy! thanks so much for submitting this to Bento Blog Network.

    • llatorre Says:

      Thanks! I’ve been following your blog for awhile but finally just got it together to enter one. I’m excited about it!

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